What is the Bible all about? The Bible is God’s love letter to humanity The most wonderful experience in the world is to know that you are loved by parents, spouses, friends, and most of all God. One of the most joyous days of my life was to experience the commitment of love by my wife. Love lifts the heart. Love makes people whistle as they walk down the street. Love brings people to want to see the beloved as soon as possible. Love creates a relationship that we do not want to sever. We have to begin with the first verse in the Bible. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In the history of human thought people have asked the question about the universe. The most compelling question is: why is there something and not nothing? In the first part of the Bible we have the stories of God choosing a people through whom he would bless the world. The Jewish people were the descendants of Abraham, and through these people the Messiah would come. That theme relates to the life of the people. God sent people described as prophets who foretold the coming of the Messiah centuries before it took place. Not only did God reveal Himself to Abraham, to Moses, and the prophets, but He also revealed himself in his handiwork. We now know the complexity of human life. With the electronic microscope we have been able to learn about the simple cell that has minute machines working in it with a propellor that spins 100.000 rpms and can stop on half a turn. There is so much information needed in the human body that it would require 76000 pages of the New York Times to detail it. There is vast evidence for a master designer bringing the universe into existence. While all that is awesome, the most awesome thing is that this Master Designer loves you and me. The second part of the Bible, the New Testament, gives us the most indescribable truth. God visits his creation. The nature of love is to reach out, to reach down, to encounter. The story of the New Testament is that God in his love becomes a human in the person of Jesus the Christ. The Infinite God becomes a finite man. He is the God-man. What a huge expression of love. The worker bees return to the hive and by doing a complex dance they communicate to the other bees where the nectar is. If you wanted to communicate with the bees you would have to become a bee. You would have to leave behind your humanity and take up the form of a bee, live like a bee, communicate like a bee, and work like a bee. God has done this in human form. The Infinite God who is unsearchable has come to earth to reveal his love for mankind. This love is expressed in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall perish but have everlasting life.” Do you have doubts whether God loves you? Get rid of them. He wants you to know him. The story of God’s love is more compelling when we read of the rebellion of humans not only in the story in Genesis but in the story of mankind. The story of the first parents, Adam and Eve, is a sad story of two people who disobeyed God. Mankind since then has been doing the same. The story of human history is about wars, murders, greed, rebellion against parents, rebellion against one another, and general wrong-doing. God gave instructions on how to live, but humans have broken the commands of God. In spite of this God calls us to give up our sins, and turn to Him. He loves us in spite of ourselves. The great story of the New Testament is the story of God’s coming to earth, born in Bethlehem of Judea, growing up to begin his mission of teaching the greatest lesson about God.. Before he was crucified, He gathered 12 men to be his disciples, and he told them that he would establish his church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. What is the church? It is not a building. It is not a social club. It is not a business. It is not a fraternal organization such as the lions club. The church is a group of people who are living in relation to Jesus. This group of people have given their lives to Jesus. They have accepted Him as Savior and Lord. They are held together by obedience to Jesus. They live in union with Him. The church is like a family. “We are telling you what we have seen and heard, so that you may share in this life with us. And we share in it with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.” ( 1John 1:3) The family is the most important unit in society. The family was created by God. Children cannot survive without a family. The church family is important for spiritual growth. The church family is a place to learn more about God. The church family is a place for prayer dealing with the daily problems people face. The church family is a place for encouragement. The church family is the place where we learn to speak the language of faith just as a child learns the language of the culture in the home. The church family is an instrument of sharing the good news story of Jesus. I once had a friend call me up on a very cold night and ask me if I like finding bargains. I replied that I did. He told me of a store that a great sale on kitchen knives. I went and bought some. He wanted to share the good news of a sale. In a similar situation, we have found that Jesus Christ is the Savior, he offers to us everlasting life, the forgiveness of sins, and the gift of his presence here and now.We want to share that good news. The church family has the commission to share the news also. God’s love requires a response. When I told my girl friend that I loved her I was looking for a response that she loved me. We did not arrive at the moment of love at the same time. I loved her before she came to love me. This is true with reference to God. God loved us long before we admitted love to Him. There came a time when I asked Elaine to be my life companion. She had two responses possible: yes and no. I am blessed that she said yes to being my life companion. One can only guess what would have happened to both of us if she had not said yes. We do know the situation about God and ourselves. If we reject God’s love there is no other companion that can give us life. If we reject His love we can only live in darkness, not light, we will be in hell apart from God and apart from all companions. If we reject God’s love there is no other help. It is not what God will do to us, it is what we do to ourselves. God’s love has been abundantly demonstrated. One last item in this story of the Bible is that Jesus who rose from the dead after his crucifixion will return again. Jesus said that no one would know the time except the Father. God’s love began it all. God’s love will bring about life that never ends in His presence. Dallas M. Roark |