What has God
done for me lately?
Let's begin where you
How did you come into existence? This is not simply the
of two parents in a sexual relation. How did any of us come
into existence. The fact that you exist is an awesome fact. How did you
get here? This raises the question of the origin of
The universe. Life.
Biologist have a theory they hope people will
as a fact that life arose from primitive carbon soups in the primeval
All of life came from these simple beginnings they say.
and more people are coming to question this theory, not only biologists
but physics and chemists.
Paul Davies, a prolific writer in the area of physics, wrote:
"It is hard to see how a
molecule like RNA or DNA, containing many thousands of carefully
atoms, could come into existence spontaneously if it was incapable, in
the absence of proteins, of doing anything (in particular, of
But it is equally unlikely that nucleic acid and proteins came into
by accident at the same time and fortuitously discovered an efficient
relationship. The high degree of improbability of the formation
life by accidental molecular shuffling has been compared by Fred Hoyle
to a whirlwind passing through an aircraft factory and blowing
components into a functioning Boeing 747. It is easy to estimate
the odds against random permutations of molecules assembling DNA.
It is about l0-40,000 to one against. This is the same as tossing
a coin and achieving heads roughly 130,000 times in a row. (Paul Davies,Are
We Alone? New York: Orion Publications 1995,p.27)
While Davies does not renounce
Darwinism, his view makes Darwinism impossible intellectually. He
wrote in another book, The Cosmic Blueprint,
"As we have seen, all life
involves cooperation between nucleic acids and proteins. Nucleic
acids carry the genetic information, but they cannot on their own do
They are chemically incompetent. The actual work is carried out by the
proteins with their remarkable catalytic ability. But the
are themselves assembled according to instructions carried by the
nucleic acids....Even if a physical mechanism were discovered that
somehow assemble a DNA molecule, it would be useless unless another
simultaneously surrounded it with relevant proteins. Yet is hard to
that the interlocking system was produced spontaneously in a single
York: Simon and Shuster, 1988, p.116)
A couple of pages later Davies noted:
"It is possible to perform
rough calculations of the probability that the endless breakup
reforming of the soup's complex molecules would lead to a small virus
a billion years. Such are the enormous number of different
chemical combinations that the odds work out at over l0-2,000,000
to one against. The mind numbing number is more than the chances
against flipping heads on a coin six million times in a row.
from a virus to some hypothetical simply replicator could improve
the odds considerably, but with a number like this it doesn't change
conclusion: the spontaneous generation of life by random
shuffling is a ludicrously improbable event. (ibid.,p.118)
There is an old argument called the kalam
It is outlined so:
l. Everything
that begins to exist has a cause of its existence.
2. The Universe
began to exist.
3. Therefore,
the universe has a cause of its existence.
This argument may be used both with the origin of the
universe as well as the origin of life It is quite
to think of God as the creator of both the universe and
Some physicists seek to introduce quantum fluctuations to explain the
origin of the universe without violating any laws of
This appears contradictory. If there was once nothing in
absolute sense of the term, there is nothing in existence for
fluctuations. Either we have nothing as the big bang indicates,
we have something already in existence , thus pre-dating the big
The Kalam argument recognizes the need for an explanation for the
of the universe that is not eternal. An eternal God
creates not only the universe but life and the greatest example of life
reflecting the rationality of God as man in the image of God.
So what has God done for me today? I
Each breath that I take is only possible because of his
Each wonderful experience of friendship is another expression of his
community of the human race.
But God wants to do even more than that for
He wants to have a close relationship with us. If you would
like to pursue this further see,
How to get
to heaven from wherever you are on this web site.
Dallas M. Roark, Ph.D.
Copyright 1999
The Healing place