TOP TEN MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ISLAMDallas M. Roark, Ph.D. In the course of surfing the web, I came upon a site I had not viewed before. I was intrigued by the title, Top Ten Misconceptions About Islam. This topic seemed interesting and I read the article. What interested me was the misconceptions about the misconceptions. As I read the “misconceptions” I could not resist thinking in my mind how misleading these ideas were. They did not tell the whole story, they left out the really bad parts they were trying to defend. So, you might consider who is right on the following misconceptions. I left out a couple of them because they were irrelevant to the big issue of Islam. So here is the first one. MISCONCEPTION #1: Muslims are violent, terrorists and/or extremists.
Response: First, the media has not been bashing Islam. One may read about a violent act of killing and the media does not indicate the fact that the person was a Muslim. Television news is very careful to shield the religious background of Muslim killers. Second, gunman do not attack mosques because the Old Testament tells them to, nor do Catholics set off bombs because the New Testament tells them to do this, nor do the Orthodox rape and kill innocent Muslim civilians because the New Testament tells them to do this. In contrast, why do Muslims destroy Christian churches, and burn Christian homes in Pakistan? Acts of violence by Muslims against “unbelievers” are permitted in the Qur’an, and in some passages even mandated. The Qur’an does not say burn houses, but it does say that Christians are not to be tolerated as citizens of equal rights in their culture, being demoted to second or third class citizens. One of the favorite ways of Muslims winning disputes against Christians is to charge the Christian with desecrating the Qur’an. This brings out hundreds of people to destroy the home of the Christian and run them out of the village. There are other ways Muslims have persecuted Christians, claiming they have blasphemed Mohammed. One such example is: Over the weekend at least nine Christians were killed, churches were set on fire, and businesses and homes destroyed in the Tundun Wada area of Kano State, Nigeria, according to reports. The violence, allegedly committed by Muslim youths, followed unspecified claims that Christians had blasphemed the Islamic prophet Mohammed.
The author of the “misconceptions” continues:
Response: Yes, let us look at the Qur’an to see what it really says. The Qur’an contradicts the “peace” expressed in the quotes above.
Muslim propagandists seek to deceive the unknowing reader in claiming Islam to be a peaceful religion. In seeking to do this, Muslims quote from the early days of Mohammed’s life in Mecca in which there are verses indicating that there is no compulsion in religion. However, when Mohammed became powerful in Medina things changed. Mohammed began legislating the real nature of Islam which involved attacking caravans, other towns, killing people who wrote satirical poetry about him, killing Jews, killing poly-theists, and ultimately moving his troops out of Saudi Arabia conquering other nations. From the standpoint of the Qur’an there are no innocents. Simply rejecting Islam is to become the enemy of Islam. Anyone who is not a Muslim is guilty and can be dealt with in regard to the severe commands of the Medina suras in the Qur’an. Moreover, from the history of Islam non-Muslims have not been allowed to live in peace beside Muslims. Three options were given: accept Islam, reject Islam and pay the jizya or death. There is no living a normal life at peace within Islam for a non-Muslim. Moreover, the peaceful suras from the Mecca period were abrogated later when Mohammed was in Medina. There are differences between Muslim scholars but some have taught that up to 260 suras have been abrogated. The idea that Islam is a religion of peace appears to be abrogated by the later suras commanding jihad against everyone who is not a Muslim. On a practical level, if one takes a look at the daily news how can one conclude that Islam is a peaceful religion when Shia are fighting Sunna, all of them fighting the Bahai, Muslims are fighting the Hindus, Muslims are killing Buddhists, the Copts in Egypt, and Christians elsewhere. There is not a “moderate Muslim movement” that stands up for “peaceful” Islam. Peaceful Islam does not exist and cannot exist as long as the Qur’an is held in authority. The site propagates the idea that only a defensive war is justified. What is considered an attack on Islam? Merely rejecting Islam is the basis of confrontation and becomes a motive for attacking non-Muslims. Mohammed sent letters to rulers outside Arabia inviting them to Islam. If they accepted, there would be peace. If they rejected his invitation to Islam, war followed. MISCONCEPTION #2: Islam oppresses women.
Response: Let’s start with the recent news. There were also photos of the event in which the men and girls were celebrating their wedding. Of course, the standard reply is that Mohammed did this so it is proper today. Ask any medical doctor and he will tell you that kids are not physically, emotional, and mentally matured for marriage. Mohammed at least let Aisha bring her dolls when he married her. Here is a news item from:
On driving, well the most staunch Muslim country, Saudi Arabia, does not allow women to drive a car. Saudi Arabia is considered the fountainhead of Islam. What is wrong with a woman driving a car? It is not mentioned in the Qur’an or the Sunna, nor the Hadiths. Cars were not invented until modern times. There are Muslims who claim that all kinds of modern ideas and discoveries were referenced in the Qur’an, maybe a closer look would uncover the car and who should drive it. The problem with women driving a car is that it gives them freedom which they have never had. Analyze the following statement by the author: “Although some Muslim countries may have laws that oppress women, this should not be seen as coming from Islam.” Why not? What motivation is there for oppressing women if it were not for Islam. If Islam is the dominant religion of the Muslim countries why is there not a movement by the leading Muslim scholars in those countries to upgrade the position of women? Maybe the reason is that the Qur’an forbids it. Did not Mohammed declare that women are only half as intelligent as men? Did not Mohammed require that women only receive half the inheritance that men receive? Did not Mohammed teach that women’s testimony is only half that of men? Is there a Muslim country that does not have Sharia that is not trying to impose it on the country? Muslims in England are trying to impose Sharia law on their own communities there. The author says, “Many of these countries do not rule by any kind of Shari'ah (Islamic law) and introduce their own cultural standpoints on the issue of gender equity.” This sentence seems to imply that Sharia would liberate women from oppressive measures in countries without Sharia. Sharia is the problem. In the countries seeking to impose sharia it has been detrimental to women’s rights and freedom. One of the first oppressive measures is to require women to “cover up.” One might raise the question also about honor killings of women, single and married. In what culture do these killings occur? The killers are usually Muslim. Just today I read of a “Muslim man sentenced to life in jail after killing his German-born wife because she was 'too independent.” (See here.) The news sources seem regularly to chronicle honor killings in England, USA, France, Pakistan, wherever there are lots of Muslims. Does this not sound like an awful oppression. Rarely does one hear of honor killings of Muslim men. Surely the author is hiding the real story about women in Islam. MISCONCEPTION #3: Muslims worship a different God.
Response: Allah may be used as a name for God in Islam, but that cannot be his name in the Bible. Yahweh is the name of God. God is not His name. God is a general term referring to the divine being whose name is Yahweh. There are lots of reasons to think that Allah and Yahweh are not the same. “... in orthodox Islam the Holy Spirit is not God, but the angel Gabriel. This fact separates Allah from ever possibly being the same God that Christians worship.” For many more reasons that the same God is not worshiped. (Go here.) One cannot merely use a common term and claim identity. One has to know something of the character of God, his attributes, his dealing with mankind. When one examines all of these and more, it becomes obvious that Christians and Muslims do not worship the same being. Christians claim that God has revealed Himself embodied in Jesus the Christ. This is seen in the following examples of Scripture.
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14 "No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known. John 1:18 (ESV) Since God has revealed Himself in this fashion, since God assumed human form in the person of Jesus Christ, how can one conclude that God would give a new revelation later and deny the previous revelation? Moreover, the prophetic literature of the Old Testament gives a basis for the coming of the Messiah, but there is absolutely no Old Testament or New Testament basis for the coming of Mohammed and a new revelation! The character of God in the Old and New Testaments is quite different than the character of God in the Qur’an. To claim that Jews, Christians, and Muslims worship the same being is deceiving and obscures the blatant differences between the Bible and the Qur’an. MISCONCEPTION #4: Islam was spread by the sword and intolerant of other faiths.
Freedom of religion is laid down in the Qur’an itself:
Response: Sheer propaganda!! Distortion of history!! From the very beginning of Mohammed’s rule in Medina force was the predominate instrument in his strategy. It seems that the author of these comments has not read the Life of Muhammad, by Ibn Ishaq. Abu Sufyan who was an enemy of Mohammed was brought to Mohammed who said, “Woe to you, Abu Sufyan, isn’t it time you recognize that I am God’s apostle? He answered, “As to that I still have some doubt.” I said to him, “Submit and testify that there is no God but Allah and that Muhummad is the apostle of God before you lost your head,” and he did so.” (Page 547) The Life of Muhammad records the battles, the atrocities heaped upon disbelieving people, the coercion, the force used in bringing Islam to Arabia and other areas. When Mohammed conquered Mecca he did not do it with 10,000 pilgrims who were peaceful and loving, they were his soldiers willing to kill anyone who opposed them. The story of Islam’s spread to Jerusalem, Egypt, North Africa, and on to Spain cannot be understood without the concept of the sword. I don’t know where the “missionary” Arnold got his information but it was not out of Islamic sources, and it is certainly an ignorant statement. Like many Muslim statements there are not sources cited for the quote to be checked out along with the person’s credentials. How do Muslims deal with the contradiction posed here? On the one hand there is no compulsion in religion and on the other hand, there is compulsion in religion. Mohammed changed his mind? Allah changed his mind? The “no compulsion” verses come from the early period when Mohammed was trying to gain followers in Mecca. The compulsion verses come from the Medina period after Mohammed had gained power. What happened to the divine revelation in Mecca? Can you really trust a prophet who changes his mind, or a deity who changes his mind? Can you trust a propagandist who tells you only one side of the story? Read the account in the following paragraph to see something of the violence of Islam.
It appears that the author of these misconceptions has never heard of dhimmitude. The concept of dhimmi came into being when there was more profit in keeping non-believers alive rather than killing them outright. Dhimmitude is the idea of enslaving non-Muslims, reducing them to second or third class citizens. Referring to the Christians of Syria, ‘Umar, the second Caliph declared:
This is quite a contradiction to the claims of the author concerning freedom to worship, safety of the homes, the freedom of being a non-Muslim citizen. Moreover, it appears that the author has not read the news of young girls in Egypt, Pakistan, and other places who are kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam and be married to somebody they know not. Also, the author presumes that the reader has not read of these terrible things done to girls and women. One other comment, the author claims “Racism is not a part of Islam, the Qur’an speaks only of human equality and how all peoples are equal in the sight of God.” Where is there human equality in slavery, concubines, the selling of human beings into slavery? The history of Islam from the beginning involves slavery. Mohammed kept slaves, Islam has been involved in the slave trade through the centuries up to the modern era. As late as 1965 the royal family of Saudi Arabic kept slaves. See here. MISCONCEPTION #8: Muslims are a barbaric, backward people.
Response: First, there was no peaceful spread of Islam. This is Islamic mythology. We have seen this above. Second, strange that Muslim educators throughout history have apparently not understood the Quran whom these Muslims claim instructs “man to use his powers of intelligence and observation.” Islamic education has not encouraged the use of rationality and pursuit of knowledge. Historical fact is that education was restricted to the madrasas which excluded the natural sciences, or what Muslims called “foreign sciences.” This is one of the reasons why Islamic science failed to break into the modern period. Islam inherited the vast literature of the Greeks and many of these works were translated, often by Christians and Jews, into Arabic. However, Islamic science did not advance beyond these works except in astronomy, math and medicine. The natural sciences were ignored. Part of the reason may be seen in the attitude of the philosophers who believed that “ordinary citizens (the masses) are not capable of grasping the higher truths of philosophy....or the inner truths of the scriptures.” (Toby Huff, The Rise of early modern science, p.82) Muslim advances in the natural science were limited to areas useful for Muslim use. These science included medicine, astronomy, and mathematics, physics and optics. In spite of some advances in these areas the Islamic world never made the transition to the scientific revolution. Natural science has been in disrepute in Islam so long that in the mid-1980's Muslim intellectuals "lamented the fact that modern science had not taken root in the Islamic countries of the world..." (Huff, p. 235) Consider the following: "In the actual event, the founding of Spanish universities in the thirteenth century, first in Palencia (1208-9), Valladolid, Salamanca (1227-28), and so on, occurred in long-established Christian areas, and the universities were modeled after the constitutions of Paris and Bologna. The various Arabic histories of Spain indicate that there were no Islamic colleges–madrasas--built in Spain prior to the fourteenth century, when one was founded in Granada ca.1349." (Huff, p. 206) Remember that madrasas are not the same as universities. Madrasas did not encourage critical thinking as the universities did. For more see here. Islam did not know of a corporate entity which became the basis of the university in the west. The corporation gave the university an independence that Madrasas did not have. Madrases were still controlled by Qur’anic law. The university began with the idea of pursuing the truth wherever it led. The madrases were intent upon indoctrination of the student and submission to Islam rather than questioning and critical thinking. This is part of the reason that Islamic natural sciences have been unproductive. Only a few (8 or 9) Muslims have won Nobel prizes in science while nearly 200 Jews have been awarded such scientific prizes. The reason for the differences relates to the type of education existing in Muslim countries as opposed to western universities. Compare the population, a few million Jews in contrast to more than one billion Muslims. If seeking knowledge is so important for every Muslim man and woman, why are women so excluded from pursuing education? Why are Muslim schools for girls being blown up in various parts of the world? Islamic writers seek to take credit for the zero. The concept of the zero came from the Hindus, and should not be claimed by the Muslims. MISCONCEPTION #10: Muslims don't believe in Jesus or any other prophets.
The Qur’an describes the Annunciation as follows:
Response: “Muslims respect and revere Jesus,” it is declared. On the surface this seems like a good thing to say. When you think about it with reference to the teaching of Jesus and what He said about Himself, it is not revering and respecting Him, for the Muslim claim about Jesus and his teaching reduces Him to being a liar, a false prophet, and a deceiver. Consider the words of Jesus when he asked them who they thought he was.
The disciple Philip requested that Jesus show him the Father.
In an argument with the Pharisees, Jesus was asked:
How can it be said that Muslim respect and revere Jesus when they declare his words to be false. How can they revere someone they think deceived people in claiming to be the Son of God when Muslims believe He is not. Moreover, they deny the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus. They attribute a silly miracle to him, the clay pigeon story and the story of Jesus speaking from his cradle that came from centuries later, and deny the most awesome miracle of His resurrection. It appears that Mohammed did not really understand what Christian faith was and is. Consider the following two verses from the Qur’an:
The reference is to the so-called claim of the Jews that “we slew the Messiah.” If they really believed that Jesus was the Messiah they would not have crucified Him. They would have fallen to their knees and worshiped Him. So not only did Mohammed not understand the implication of his statement, the Qur’an is wrong on the history of the event.
In this case the Qur’an is wrong again. No Jew or groups of Jews ever affirmed that Ezra was the son of Allah in the sense that the Messiah is The son of God. The Qur’an is wrong on this historical item. One last comment relates to the idea of partners to Allah. Certainly Allah had many partners in pre-Islam Arabia. However, confusion exists in the Muslim thinking about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The idea of monotheism is securely preserved in Christian thought. Jesus speaks of the Father in the Son and the Son in the Father. One may speak of distinct persons, but not separate persons. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son to the believer. Separate persons would involve tri-theism perhaps, but distinct persons in a union of oneness preserves monotheism. The early disciples who were devout Jews were clearly staunch monotheists. The revelation that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself was difficult to accept because they had never encountered anyone like Him before. This was the Christian message from the beginning recorded in the New Testament. It has not changed. There are other misconceptions that the author described but these were the most misleading ones and important ones.