
Our new minister

was coming to dinner.

The house was all clean

the meat a winner

Everything seemed

to be going just right.

It could turn out

to be a very good night.


The children spied the food,

and started to grab it.

But the pastor had a

different habit.


What do you say before

you eat? he said.

My face turned a crimson red.


I held my breath

and grabbed my side

as the children

in unison replied...


"Through the teeth

 and over the gums

Look-out, stomach

here  it comes."


I button the last jacket

the scarves are all wrapped,

and every little head is capped.


They are all ready to

play in the snow.

Then somebody has to go!


I'm in the supermarket line.

The clerk is just about to sack it.

When the kids kick-up

a terrible racket.


I wear a smile

most benign

as I sweetly repine,

"Oh, they're not mine."



Elaine J. Roark

May 1988