The Leader
        AMONG men there are always those  who stand above others as leaders. The same is true among the lower
gregarious creatures. The leader often achieves his posi­tion because of strength or power. This is true among the lowly and very common creature, the barn­yard hen. 
          In every group of hens there is always a queen. This queen may peck any of her subjects with lit­tle fear of ever being pecked in re­turn. Every hen in the flock also has a place in what is known as the "pecking order." The queen
may peck whomsoever she chooses. Another hen may peck all but the queen. The next fowl in line may peck all but those superior to her, and so on to the last hen who has the misfortune of being pecked by all and dare not peck any.
        Among cattle, baboons, geese, and many others the rule of the strongest or most clever becoming ruler holds true.
But as among men so among animals it is dangerous to follow after certain ones.  Your object of loyalty can mean the difference be­tween life and death.
    Among sheep there is frequently an orphan lamb which is pitied and taken under the protecting care of the ranchers to be fed by bottle and raised away from the flock. These sheep are called "bell­wethers." Because it has been pro­tected and coddled the bellwether acquires a self-reliant, bold atti­tude. When the day comes for it to be returned to the flock it boldly saunters over to the timid flock and is immediately accepted as leader. There is no fighting, no proving of his ability as the strongest: he is simply accepted without question. The other sheep put full confidence in their new leader and unreserv­edly follow where he leads.
        To the destruction of the sheep the bell-wether proves to be a trai­torous leader. For during market­ing season he leads his wooly pro­cession into waiting trucks and then stealthily bounds out of the truck before his followers know what has happened.
        Leadership is important not only in animal life but even more im­portant and of greater consequence in the lives of men. There are many who vie for our allegiance. Men all put their confidence in someone or something and often shockingly discover they have trusted the wrong leader, be it person or principle.
There is one who has proven Himself worthy of all trust and He said, "If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." Matt. 16:24.

                                         Like the Wind

        FOR AGES men have been awe­stricken by the powers and forces which are constantly at work in this mysterious world of ours--­gravity, tides and currents, air forces, electricity, and the wind. The wind is an awesome thing! What is the wind? Moving air, yes, but what causes it to be stirred into motion, sometimes gentle, sometimes fierce?
        The wind is almost as mysterious as the soul of man. We see the soul function, we feel its effect, we know its power but it is born as secretively as the wind.
        The power of the wind is tre
mendous. There are the hurricanes which are born mysteriously in the warmth of the southern waters and run like monstrous mouths two hundred to three hundred miles wide and often ten thousand miles long attaining a speed of two hundred miles per hour as it bellows its fury on land and sea. We know the force of the funnelshaped winds of the tornado, generally born in hot sticky weather, whizzing around the countryside, ambling here and there, whirling at a speed of two hundred to eight hundred miles per hour.
        The force of the wind can be seen from the phenomenal tricks it has displayed. Stems of grass have been found injected into wooden fence posts like they were hypodermic needles. Such playful jokes as picking up a horse and depositing it unharmed a mile away or stealing away the cow being milked leaving the milker without the source are among the achievements of the notorious tornado.
        The hurricane, like the soul of man, is not primarily measured by the width or length of its fury, but by its force. The soul, like the tornado, is not measured by its blackness or the circumference of its funnel but by its power. The power and force of the soul determines its greatness.
        We need big souls today. The soul that is bathed in the warmth and love of Christ is a potential hurricane in the kingdom of God. The soul and life linked with the Eternal Spirit of God is a power that cannot be measured or resisted. Jesus said, "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you" Acts 1 :8.

                                                    If the Baboon Doesn't Watch....

THE GROTESQUE-LOOKING BABOON of the African jungles is his brother's keeper. And if he fails, the penalty is high.
One of the fascinating practices of baboon tribes is to select certain baboons as guards. When the tribe is resting or eating, a lookout is placed at a strategic point. He must warn the tribe of approaching danger. And woe to the lookout who falls asleep on the job!- - if he fails to warn of danger, he is torn to shreds.
The Lord has appointed all who know Him as watchers to warn others of coming judgment. What if we fail? "0 Son of man ... I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Israel; therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn. them from me ... if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand" (Ezek. 33:7,8).

(These brief sketches were written by Dallas and Elaine Roark and appeared in Teens, and Search weekly issues
  for children. Written in l958  Sept.14, Sept. 28, and June  1 respectively)

                                              The Jet Stream

        One day last year a B - 47 bomber took off on a 2700-mile jaunt. Three hours and 47 minutes later it had con­sumed the 2700 miles at an official ground speed of 714 mph. The amaz­ing speed was accomplished by join­ing forces with a 165 mph wind in the great air river called the jet stream.
        The jet stream is a river of air about 35,000 to 40,000 feet up at the base of the stratosphere. The stream weaves a snake-like course over China, the United States and the Mediterranean area at speeds ranging from 100 to 500mph. There is a similar stream  in. the southern temperate zone over Argentina.
        By joining forces with this great power a plane is carried to its destina­tion in cut-rate time.
The stream was first discovered near the end of World War 2, when B-29 bombers were being flown to southern Japan. Flying at 35,00 feet, the bombers ran into west winds of more than 250 mph. And the mighty birds of the air sometimes found themselves flying backwards in 400 mph headwinds!
        Investigation was started immedi­ately by meteorologists. It was dis­covered that these winds, which were three times the speed of a hurricane, were wide and shallow. The width is greater than all the rivers of the world put together. It is believed that the frigid weather of the cold north and the tropic heat of the south work the conflicting air into a frenzy creat­ing the jet streams.
        This scien tific  discovery promises power and economy to the pilot who enters its path. But those who try to go against it may only find themselves moving backwards. Even so the Lord gives great power to those who are heading in the right direction. But those who oppose Him may find His power being used against them. "Hearken unto me," the Lord says, "I will carry you and will deliver you." Isa. 46:34 .•
             (This brief story appeared in Search,  Nov. 1, 1958