What about Slavery in the Bible?By Dallas M. Roark, Ph.D. A while ago, I wrote the article “Is Islam Rational?” (*) Sami Zaatari recently published a response titled Rational Muslims should object the Bible (*). The following is my answer to this Muslim objector. Dear Sami: thank you for writing a response to one of my articles. I really think you should seriously think about giving up and becoming a follower of Jesus, the Son of God. You appear like the Apostle Paul who was fighting against the Way and when Jesus encountered him on the road to Damascus he gave up fighting and become a new being. Your responses remind me of the way Paul was fighting Jesus. It is interesting that you did not respond to other things mentioned in the article, like rape victims in Islam who are judged guilty for seeking justice against their rapists. You did not respond to honor killings, nor the mutilation of young girls. So, one could assume that you approve of all these things. I would hope not. But it would help if you declared your opposition to such evil practices. You used a phrase at the end of your article that declared “Allah knows best.” That phrase appears in the biography of Mohammed by Ibn Ishaq a number of times. It often comes in a story that the author is not certain about its truth or accuracy and the phrase “God know whether it is so or not.” I think this is fitting that you use the phrase at the end for you are talking about things you really do not know about. You have looked at the issue only superficially. You have assumed that the word “slavery” always means the same thing in all cultures regardless. It does not. So, let’s take a look at the issue of slavery which you objected to. You do not distinguish any differences in slavery which is unfortunate, because the distinction would not go well for your case. There is involuntary slavery and there is voluntary slavery. Involuntary slavery is what Islam has practiced for centuries. Muslim slavers captured men and women, boys and girls, and forced them into slavery selling them at auctions to buyers. Muslim slavers captured Africans for slavery, Muslim slavers went into Europe and as far north as Iceland capturing white people for slavery. Britannica states “black slaves exported from Africa were widely traded throughout the Islamic world. Approximately 18,000,000 Africans were delivered into the Islamic trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean slave trades between 650 and 1905.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol 27, 15th ed., Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannica, 2005, p. 290) This is the kind of slavery that is still going on in Muslim cultures. There are millions of people in slavery in Muslim countries. They have been captured by Muslims, sold by Muslims, bought by Muslims. There are estimates up to 27 million people who are in slavery today worldwide Not all of these are in Muslim countries. There are women who have been brought to America as sex slaves which is a terrible evil and there are people working to stop it. (Source) Israel was prohibited from territorial gains beyond what Yahweh had promised to Abraham. (Deuteronomy 2:1-23) Moreover, Israel was prohibited the practice of forced slavery. “Whoever kidnaps someone, either to sell him or to keep him as a slave, is to be put to death.” (Exodus 21:16) In another passage Moses declares, “If any of you kidnap Israelites and make them your slaves or sell them into slavery, you are to be put to death. In this way your nation will get rid of this evil.” (Deuteronomy 24:7) In the first one there is a general prohibition against slavery of anyone and in the second a specific order against slavery of Israelites. Voluntary slavery is a completely different situation. Voluntary slavery arises when a person becomes so poor that they cannot make a living, cannot provide for themselves, and sell themselves into a relationship with a person who has money and can provide for the poor person. The Hebrew word for this is “ebed.” meaning servant, or bondman. The Bible describes Israel as the Lord’s bondservant, or slave, the same word ebed. You quote the following:
You have plucked this verse out of context and we must look at the whole context.
The issue of poverty was one of the reasons that people sold themselves as servants. There were also provisions for freedom. They could be bought back by a relative, or by their own money. Working for someone else did not mean that they received nothing. “By their own money” (v. 49) meant a certain freedom to gain money and buy their own freedom. We have no reason to believe that the same was not true for the foreigners in the land. The verse says, “purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land,” and these were probably people like the Hebrews who fell on hard times and were poor. Being a servant in another household was better than starving. The rights are spelled out for the Hebrews but they would also apply to the foreigners who were welcomed into the land. The people were taught: “Do not mistreat or oppress a foreigner; remember that you were foreigners in Egypt. Do not mistreat any widow or orphan.” (Exodus 22:21-22)
It may be that the foreigners living in the land who became poor would not have relatives around to buy them back. The issue of voluntary selling oneself in servant hood is important. The year of Restoration and the Sabbatical years were important to the Hebrews since it restored people to their original property allotted to them when they entered the land. It offered a fresh start again. However, the foreigners who lived in the land did not have land allotted to them. The only option would have been to expel them from the land which could have had dire results for them. In the case of the foreigner who became poor the economic advantage of living with a wealthy person brought security. This arrangement entered into voluntarily was better than poor employment, low grade and bad pay when one did have a job. Remember that in 1200 BC one was limited in terms of work for pay. The central issue here is that slavery was initiated BY the slave, NOT by the owners. What was involved was the economic relief of poverty of the poor person who sought to be taken in by some person of wealth. The passage about inheritance needs some caveats. First, the verses says “you may” pass them on to your children, not that it was automatic, necessary, expected, or standard practice. It may be that the prosperity changes could have reduced the owner’s ability to support the slave. Second, this may well refer to servants who did not want to go free as expressed in Exodus 21.5, “But if the slave declares that he loves his master, his wife, and his children and does not want to be set free,” there was a ceremony at the place of worship for declaring him to be a slave for life. There is a similar procedure described in Deuteronomy 15:16 in which a person could become a slave for life because “he may love you and your family and be content to stay.” Third, given the fact that slaves could earn money, they could buy their own freedom.-- “if they themselves earn enough, they may buy their own freedom.” (Lev. 25:49) If we are fair to the Old Testament we do not find the slave raids that Islam practiced centuries later. We now come to the second Old Testament passages that Sami quoted.
Perhaps if you read the whole chapter it would have helped in looking at this particular one. The next verse locates the practice described above. “That is how you are to deal with those cities that are far away from the land you will settle in.” (Deuteronomy 20:15) I am not aware that there are cities “far away from the land” that this became a practice or possibility. In fact the Israelites were prohibited from wars of conquest beyond what Yahweh promised to Abraham. If you read Deuteronomy 2:1-29 you find that Edom and Moab were not to be conquered even though they were hostile to the Israelites in passing through their country. For a long time the Israelites were busy settling in the country and after David and Solomon the country began to lose power because of the idolatry of the leaders and people. One would think in their power they might have sought to avenge their slavery in Egypt. There is no record of their attempting to do this. Wars for conquest beyond their territory was restricted. Israel had no mandate to conquer the world, but was to remain in the land which God had given them. Most of the attention was focused on the taking of the land promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I hope that you will remember that the land was not given to Abraham in his life time because the wickedness of the people had not become full blown. (Genesis 15:16) Only 430 years after Abraham did Yahweh pronounce judgment on the people of the land. Then you quote:
I am not sure why you chose this verse. Sami, you have to quit using a concordance to find words like “slavery” and using the verses out of context. The chapter begins: “This is a message about Babylon, which Isaiah son of Amoz received from God. (Isaiah 13:1) It is not a chapter justifying slavery, rape of wives, or helpless babies. It is a chapter in which God brings judgment on the people of Babylon when the Medes invaded it. There is a view of history in the Old Testament that Yahweh judges the nations by using other nations as means of punishment and then that nation being evil also is judged and punished. This is Yahweh’s judgment for evil. The Babylonians showed no compassion and they were not shown compassion when they were judged for their evil ways. The passage has nothing to do with Israel and the practice of slavery. Next section:
First, we need to ask why a man sells his daughter? Was it because he did not love her? Was it because he was hard-hearted? Or, was it because he could not support her? Selling daughters was for the daughter’s own good since it meant a life related to someone who could afford her while the father, being poor, could not. Moreover, he could not afford a dowry to give to a perspective husband.
Next verse quoted by Sami:
My response: why is this quoted as being inconsistent? The point of the passage is that the Hebrews were to be obedient to Yahweh and if they turned from Him and worshiped foreign gods they would be judged. This happened as one reads the story of the Old Testament. This is a prediction and not a command. It is what will happen to them, not what they should do to others. We turn now to Sami’s New Testament quotes: Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ. (Ephesians 6:5)
So what can be said about all this? First, it must be remembered that Christians did not invent or create slavery in the Roman Empire. It was there to begin with, long before the advent of Christ. Second, it must be known that the slave population in the Roman heartland was about two to three million. This was about 33 to 40 percent of the population. There is a phenomenal difference between slavery in the Roman empire and the vile slavery of the Muslims capturing of people and tearing them away from their homes, forcing them to work in all kinds of terrible conditions even as they were brought to America and worked in the cotton fields. Miller declares:
As you can see, Roman slavery was vastly different from the slavery that developed in the Muslim culture. The references that Sami lists should be viewed in the whole emphasis.
There were people who owned servants who became followers of Jesus, and there were servants who became followers of Jesus. There was to be mutual respect for each other.
The servant who worked for someone else was to “work with all your heart as though you were working for the Lord and not for people.” This is a standard for any worker today, any family member. It transcends a simple employee-employer concept. The third passage is:
In the Roman context of slavery where a person had many possibilities similar to modern work agreements, the follower of Jesus was to give good work for good wages. Good work was also a means of advancement in responsibility today as it was in the Roman times.
It is common in all kinds of work situation that people take advantage of the employer. On the modern scene it can simply involve taking office supplies home. The believers were admonished to be good employees, not stealing, not back talking. The type of slavery involved in these passages is more like the relationship between a worker and his boss. Christianity did not condone slavery. These were people who came to faith in Jesus and the instructions are relating how to live out their lives in these conditions. To think that slavery in Rome and other Roman cities was like what the Muslims did to slaves is to misunderstand the historical issue. The goal of the relationship in Christ is expressed in the words of Paul, “So there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles, between slaves and free people, between men and women; you are all one in union with Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28 It took a long time to abolish involuntary slavery in the West, but it still exists not only in Muslim countries but others also. The people who opposed slavery in the West were Christians. Wilberforce of England was one of the great names. There is nothing in Islam to oppose slavery of the involuntary kind. So, I would encourage the readers of this article to reject the views of Sami and pick up a Bible and see what great promises and hope there are in Jesus, the Son of God. Sami, you urge people to reject the Bible. You are urging people to turn from the real source of life. You are rejecting the message that you can know forgiveness now. I am praying for you. You can have a life changing relationship with the risen Savior, Jesus, right now. The Qur’an does not offer you such a great gift.