Transformation Intro.: 1. There are a couple of words that are prominent in the minds of people: mutli-culturalism, political correctness, leading to the idea of Acceptance. Much psychology and popular feelings reflect the idea of acceptance of all peoples regardless of the problems. One other phrase has come into use: “play the victim card.” The practical consequence is that one should not reject anyone, or criticize anyone who differs from your viewpoint. If the Muslims are intent on turning America into an Islamic nature you are not suppose to criticize it. If the homosexual organizations want to have marriage among homosexuals one should not criticize it. This sense of acceptance means that your moral conscience is to be squelched. 2. If we are going to accept acceptance as the norm of the Christian life we might as well organize a Christian group of murders, or a Christian group of practicing adulterers, or bank robbers, or slanders, or liars. There is a word that stands against such ideas. It is the word Transformation. It is true that God accepts us by faith, but God does not leave us there. The goal of the Christian life is to be Christlike. Transformation is the goal, not static acceptance. 3. Romans 12 stresses this. “Therefore”has a before and after to it. The before is the story of God’s redemption. We stand accepted because of his grace and mercy. We do not have to earn salvation. Because of what he has done the application is reached: Rom 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Rom 12:2 "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will." Transformation is a radical departure in your life. Transformation is not a matter of degrees of being a better person. It is not a matter of trying harder. It is not a matter of outward appearances. Transformation takes place when the Spirit of God leads us in our decisions, our habits, and our lifestyle. Transformation is not related only to Sunday worship, it is related to our daily walk with Jesus. I. Reject the world’s mentality 2 1. Negatively, Don’t be cramped into the world’s mold or the world’s way of thinking and doing things. This verse tells us that our world, its culture, its mentality, its morals, its aims are fleeting and passing away. The world is like a fad or fashion which changes with new whims and feelings. 2. Positively, guard your mind. You have come from state of deadness of the mind to being renewed in Christ. Continue this renewal. Guard what goes into your mind. Keep your rationality about what you see and think. Everyone who knows even a little about life in the bird world is aware that between the wild geese and the tame geese, different as they are, there is a sort of understanding. When the flight of the wild geese is heard in the air and there are tame geese below, the latter are aware of it at once; up to a certain point they have an understanding what it means; so they get under way, flapping their wings and cackling as they follow along the ground for a short distance–then it is over. The Bible teaches us that we are to note the subtle influences of the world on us–and when we see it–away from the flock to preserve your own spirituality. 3. Over the years I have seen people who have allowed the influence of the world to creep into their lives and dim their vision of Christ in their life. One such person claimed his independence and freedom in Christ used this to turn to habits that were addictive and unhealthy. II Examine the will of God for you 2. 1. There are different levels to the question of God’s will for our lives. (A) Some things are simple and straight forward. I have known some believers who press the uncertainty of God’s will that they have to pray to find out if they should go to the bathroom or not. It should not be a question about God’s will in the matter of caring for your body. Any action that will destroy your health or your mind is unquestionably out. One should not even hesitate. Is Christ Lord of your life? Everything that Jesus commands relates to the healthfulness of your mind and body. I am sure Lambert could tell us lots of stories of patients who have abused their bodies without regard for their good health until something happens to them. (B) Some of God’s will is revealed for all people. Let’s look at some examples.
There are no questions about 1 Thess. 4:3: “God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual immorality.” In this last year an 18 year old girl from a Christian home met a young man, left home and moved in with the guy. She is now pregnant. The hopes of going to college has been put on hold, and may never be happen, her life is vastly altered, her parents are heart-broken, and her future life will probably be poor in provisions. There is a reason for this verse. A (C.) The Bible gives us a principle about some actions, but not the details. For example, We are told to marry only a believer in Christ. But we are not told which person that is. I have seen people ignore this principle to their own suffering. It is often the Christian girl who marries a non-believing man. The hope is that the girl can influence her husband to become a Christian. That is sometimes possible, but often it is not. When I was in high school I began praying to God to help me find the wife he had for me. I am not sure how much people pray for this great decision in life that makes or breaks the issue of happiness. (D). The will of God is not given for vocational choices. Be assured that God has a purpose for you and you will have to search out that purpose by prayer and reasoning. You can evaluate your abilities and find help from others. Remember, there is a difference between what is the best thing you can do, and what is the thing you can do best. 2. God’s will is said to be good, acceptable and perfect. This means that God has better things in store for you if you will do his will. Doing his will is crucial. You are not asked to contemplate it, but do it. In his will you will find goodness, completeness and contentment that will not be found anywhere else. Some of you may not know the story of George Beverly Shea, the tremendous bass singer with Billy Graham. Tempted by a contract to sing professionally, he was brought to the point of having to decide whether he would seek his own fame or follow in obedience to the will of God. When the time came for his decision, he sat down and sang for them the song he wrote: “I’d rather have Jesus than silver or gold, I’d rather have Him than riches untold....I’d rather have Jesus than houses or lands, I’d rather be led by his nail pierced hands, than to be the king of a vast domain, and he held in sin’s dread sway. I’d rather have Jesus than anything this world affords today.” God has used Shea to sing before hundreds of thousands of people and be used in a way that would have been impossible for him to design for himself. III. Present yourself a Living sacrifice 1. 1. What is a living sacrifice? In the O.T. the essence of worship related to the death of a victim, a sheep, goat, or animal. This involved the death of something. We are called to be “living sacrifices.” The truest sacrifice we can offer to God is that of living according to his will. What is to be presented? Our bodies. Our lives are to be presented to God as a reasonable gracious response for God’s great grace in which he has created us, forgives us, and offers everlasting life in his presence. Our greatest source of happiness and joy comes in giving ourselves to God as his servant in this world. Conclusion: When we follow God’s will, we can look back and exclaim, “This is what I was made for” and delight in what God has done in our lives. |